Is It Better to Code Your Own Website or Use WordPress?

When you are considering whether to code your own website or use WordPress, there are a few things to consider. The first is that WordPress is a well-known and widely used platform, so if you are looking for a website that is already built, WordPress is a good option.

WordPress also has a large community of users who can help you with any problems you may have.

The disadvantage of using WordPress is that it is not customizable. If you want to make your website look different, you will have to use different themes or create your own.

Also, if you want to add new features or change the layout, you will have to code it yourself.

Ultimately, it is up to you which platform you choose to use. If you are comfortable coding, WordPress is a good option because it is well-known and has a large community of users.

If you want a website that is already built, WordPress is a good option. However, if you want to customize it or add new features, you will have to code it yourself.