Is Domain Mapping on WordPress Free?

A domain mapping is a process of translating the name of a website or blog into the correct domain name for the hosting service. In most cases, this process is free, and WordPress.

com offers a wide range of tools and support to make it easy to get started.

Domain mapping is a relatively simple process, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have the correct domain name.

You can find this information by visiting the domain registrar’s website or by using a domain search tool.

Second, make sure your hosting service has the correct DNS settings configured. You can find information about your hosting service’s DNS settings on their website or by contacting customer support.

Once you have the domain name and DNS information, you can start the domain mapping process. WordPress.

com offers a variety of tools and support to make this process easy.

One of the most important aspects of domain mapping is to make sure your site is setup correctly. If your site is hosted on WordPress.

com, make sure you have the correct content and settings installed.

Lastly, don’t forget to contact your hosting service if you have any questions about domain mapping or setting up your site on

They are likely to be happy to help.