Is Category Page in WordPress?

Category page is a page in WordPress that helps you manage and organize your blog’s categories. You can add, delete, and rename categories, and create custom post types for each category.

Category pages are helpful for organizing your blog’s content, but they’re not without their limitations. For example, you can’t use category pages to manage your blog’s posts.

You have to use the WordPress post editor to create, edit, and delete posts.

Category pages are also limited in terms of the number of categories they can support. WordPress allows you to have up to 25 categories on a single category page, and up to 500 posts in each category.

If your blog has a lot of categories, you may want to consider using a separate category page for each category.

Overall, category pages are a helpful tool for organizing your blog’s content. They’re limited in terms of the number of categories they can support, and they don’t allow you to manage your blog’s posts.

If you have a lot of categories, you may want to consider using a separate category page for each category.