Is a WordPress Website Static or Dynamic?

Static websites are websites that do not use any server-side scripting, such as PHP or ASP. Static websites are created using a web server that only hosts static files, such as images, text, and HTML.

Static websites are easy to create and maintain, but they may not be as up-to-date as dynamic websites.

Dynamic websites are websites that use server-side scripting, such as PHP or ASP. A dynamic website is created by embedding a dynamic content management system (CMS) into a web server.

The CMS allows website owners to add, edit, and delete content on the fly. This allows dynamic websites to be updated quickly and to include new content more easily.

Static websites are generally easier to create, but dynamic websites may be more up-to-date and user-friendly. Ultimately, it is up to the website owner to decide whether a website is static or dynamic.