How to Make a Timetable in WordPress?

Making a timetable in WordPress is a quick and easy process. All you need is a WordPress calendar widget, a text editor, and a bit of CSS. Here’s how to do it:

1. Install the WordPress calendar widget from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

2. Add the following code to your blog’s theme’s functions.php file:

// Add the widget function add_theme_support( ‘widgets’, ‘Calendar Widget’); // Display the widget $widgets->display();

3. Add the following code to your blog’s style.css file:

.calendar { float: left; } .calendar td { padding: 6px; font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid #ccc; }

4. Add the following code to your blog’s header.php file:

My Blog’s Timetable

5. Add the following code to your blog’s footer.php file:

6. You’re done! The timetable will now be available on your blog’s calendar widget.