How to Add Pricing Table by SUPSystic in WordPress?

Adding pricing tables to your WordPress site is a great way to increase your revenue. With SUPSystic, you can easily add pricing tables to your site in minutes.

First, you need to create a new SUPSystic pricing table. To do this, click on the “New Pricing Table” button on the main SUPSystic screen.

Next, you will need to enter the following information into the table:

Table Name: This is the name of the pricing table that will appear on your site.

This is the name of the pricing table that will appear on your site. Table Description: This is a brief description of the table.

This is a brief description of the table. Table Layout: This is the layout of the table.

You can choose between a standard table layout or a grid layout.

This is the layout of the table. You can choose between a standard table layout or a grid layout.

Table Width: This is the width of the table.

This is the width of the table. Table Height: This is the height of the table.

Next, you will need to add the pricing tables data. To do this, click on the “Add Data” button on the main SUPSystic screen.

Table Columns: This is the list of columns that will appear in the table.

This is the list of columns that will appear in the table. Table Rows: This is the list of rows that will appear in the table.

This is the list of rows that will appear in the table. Table Data: This is the data that will be displayed in the table.

This is the data that will be displayed in the table. Table Header: This is the header that will appear at the top of the table.

This is the header that will appear at the top of the table. Table Footer: This is the footer that will appear at the bottom of the table.

This is the header that will appear at the top of.