How to Add .Html Extension to WordPress Page URLs?

Adding a .html extension to WordPress page URLs can help you make your pages look more professional.

This is especially helpful if you are using WordPress to host a website or blog.

To add a .html extension to a WordPress page URL, follow these steps:

1. Open your WordPress site in your web browser.

2. Click the “Appearance” tab at the top of the screen.

3. Under the “URLs” section, click the “Add a new URL” button.

4. Enter the URL for the page you want to modify in the “URL” field.

5. Enter the .

html extension in the “Extension” field.

6. Click the “OK” button.

7. The new URL will be added to the “URLs” section of your site.

8. You can now preview the modified page by clicking on it in your web browser.

9. If you want to make the modified page live, you will need to update the URL in your WordPress site’s “URLs” section.

10. Congratulations! You have added a .

html extension to a WordPress page URL.