How to Add GTIN in WordPress?

When it comes to eCommerce, GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers) are a must have for any online store. GTINs uniquely identify products and can help reduce fraud and increase sales.

GTINs are easy to add to your WordPress site, and this tutorial will show you how.

To add a GTIN to your WordPress site, first you need to create a custom post type. To do this, go to the “Posts” menu in your WordPress admin area, and select “New Post Type.

” Give your new post type a name, and then select “GTINs.”.

Next, you’ll need to fill out the necessary information. In the “Post Type Details” field, you’ll need to provide a name for your GTIN, as well as the GTINs that you want to include.

You can include up to 25 GTINs in your post type, and they will all be automatically included in your posts.

To add a GTIN to a post, simply enter the GTIN into the “GTIN” field. You can also include the GTINs in the “Author” and “Title” fields, if you want.

Finally, you can include the GTINs in the “Body” field, if you want.

When you’re finished, click “Save Changes.” Your GTINs will now be included in your posts, and you can use them to increase sales and reduce fraud on your WordPress site.