How to Add a Number Range Slider on WordPress Forms?

Adding a number range slider to a WordPress form is an easy and convenient way to allow users to select a range of numbers. The slider can be added to any form field, and requires just a few simple steps.

First, add a new row to your form’s table of contents by clicking on the “Add a Row” button on the form’s toolbar. This will open the “Rows” tab of your form’s edit screen.

Next, add a new column by clicking on the “Add a Column” button on the form’s toolbar. This will open the “Columns” tab of your form’s edit screen.

Now, select the “Number” input type from the list of input types on the right-hand side of the form’s edit screen.

Next, enter the number range you want to include in the slider by entering the start number and the end number into the start and end fields, respectively.

To configure the slider, click on the “Slider” tab located on the right-hand side of the form’s edit screen.

To add or edit the slider’s values, click on the “Value” field located at the bottom of the slider. This will open the “Slider Value” editor screen.

To change the slider’s value, enter the number you want to display as the slider’s value into the “Value” field. To change the slider’s range, enter the minimum and maximum values into the “Min” and “Max” fields, respectively.

To close the slider’s editor screen, click on the “Close” button located at the bottom of the slider.

Finally, click on the “Update” button located at the top-right corner of the form’s edit screen to save your changes.

Now, your form will include a number range slider that allow users to select a range of numbers.