How Many Visibility Options a WordPress Post or Page Have?

In WordPress, there are many ways to make your content visible to the public. You can choose to make your content publicly visible by default, or you can choose to make it private.

Additionally, you can choose to make your content visible only to followers of your blog, or you can choose to make it visible to anyone who visits your blog.

There are a few different options you can choose from when it comes to visibility. The following are the different visibility options available in WordPress:

Public: This is the default visibility setting for posts and pages. Posts and pages are publicly visible by default.

This is the default visibility setting for posts and pages.

Private: You can choose to make a post or page private. This means that only followers of your blog can see it.

You can choose to make a post or page private.

Followers: This is the visibility setting for posts that are shared on your blog with the Followers option enabled. Posts that are shared with the Followers option enabled are publicly visible by default, but only to followers of your blog.

This is the visibility setting for posts that are shared on your blog with the Followers option enabled.

Anyone: This is the visibility setting for posts that are not shared on your blog. Posts that are set to be publicly visible by default are also set to be visible to anyone who visits your blog.

There are also a few different options you can choose when it comes to how public a post or page is. The following are the different visibility options available in WordPress:

You can choose to make a post or page private. Followers: This is the visibility setting for posts that are.