How Do You Update Status on WordPress Post?

Updating status on WordPress posts can be done in a few different ways, depending on your preferences and needs.

The most common way to update status on WordPress posts is to use the “post status” widget. This widget can be found in the “Editor” section of the WordPress admin area, under the “Posts” tab.

To update the status of a post using the post status widget:

1. Click on the “Posts” tab in the WordPress admin area.
2. Locate the “Post Status” widget and click on it to open it.
3. In the “Post Status” widget, you will see a list of all the posts in your blog.

4. To update the status of a post, simply select the post that you want to update and click on the “Update Status” button.
5. Enter the new status in the “Status” field and click on the “Update Status” button.
6. Click on the “Publish” button to save the changes and update the post’s status. .

The “post status” widget can also be used to update the status of a post without having to visit the WordPress admin area.

To update the status of a post using the “post status” widget without visiting the WordPress admin area:

1. Open the post that you want to update. In the “HTML” editor, locate the “status” element and update the status using the “post status” widget.

3. Save the post and publish it to update the post’s status.