How Do You Set Tabs in WordPress Page?

If you’re new to WordPress, you might be wondering how to set tabs in pages. There are a few different ways to do this, and it can vary depending on your WordPress installation. Here’s how to set tabs in WordPress pages:

To set tabs in WordPress pages, you first need to create a folder called “tabs” in your WordPress site’s root directory. Then, you need to create a file called “tabs.php” and add the following code to it:


‘title’ => __( ‘Main Page’ ),

‘main_content’ => __( ‘This is the main content for the page’ ),


‘Blog’ => array(

‘title’ => __( ‘Blog Page’ ),

‘main_content’ => __( ‘This is the main content for the blog’ ),

‘Portfolio’ => array(

‘title’ => __( ‘Portfolio Page’ ),

‘main_content’ => __( ‘This is the main content for the portfolio’ ),

‘Contact’ => array(

‘title’ => __( ‘Contact Page’ ),

‘main_content’ => __( ‘This is the main content for the contact page’ ),


$tabs[‘Contact’] = array(

‘title’ => ‘Contact Us’,

‘main_content’ => ‘If you need help with anything on this site, please contact us. We’ll be happy to assist you.’,

‘close_button’ => true,

wp_register_template( ‘tabs’, ‘tabs.php’ );


Next, you need to create a file called “tabs.php” and add the following code to it:

defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) && exit;

Finally, you need to add a reference to the “tabs.php” file in your WordPress page’s “header.php” file:

require_once( ABSPATH . ‘tabs.php’ );

Now, when you create a new page in WordPress, it will automatically include the “tabs.php” file and include the appropriate “tabs” template.

You can also manage the tabs in your pages by clicking on the “Tabs” button in the WordPress admin area.