How Do You Schedule a Post for Later Publishing in WordPress?

If you want to schedule a post for later publishing in WordPress, you first need to determine the date and time that you want the post to be published. You can do this by clicking on the publishing date and time link in the post’s editor.

You can also use the publishing date and time fields in the Post Settings page.

Once you’ve determined the date and time, you need to add the post to the Published Posts list. To do this, click on the Published Posts link in the Posts section of your blog’s admin area.

Then, click on the Add a Post button and enter the post’s publishing date and time in the appropriate fields.

Finally, you need to add a due date for the post. To do this, click on the Date field and enter the date that you want the post to be published on in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Click on the OK button to save the changes.

Once you’ve made all of the necessary changes, you can click on the Publish button to publish the post.