How Do You Make a Hero Banner in WordPress?

Making a hero banner in WordPress can be a fun and easy project. All you need is a basic WordPress site, a banner plugin, and a few images.

To begin, create a template in WordPress that looks like the banner shown in the example below. You can use this template as a starting point, or you can customize it to fit your needs.

Next, add the banner plugin to your WordPress site. This plugin will allow you to create custom banners that you can use on your site.

Once the banner plugin is installed, click on the “Add New Banner” button.

In the “Banner Details” section, you will need to provide a title and a url. The url field is where you will enter the link to your hero banner image.

The “Layout” section allows you to specify the size and position of the banner.

Click on the “Create Banner” button to create your hero banner.

Finally, add your hero images to the banner. You can use any images that you want, but make sure that they are in the same resolution as the banner template.

Once all the images are added, click on the “Update Banner” button to save your new banner.

Congratulations! Your hero banner is now ready to use on your WordPress site.