How Do You Make a Funnel in WordPress?

Making a funnel in WordPress is a simple process. First, create a new post or page in your blog.

Then, add a simple text field to the page. In the text field, type the following code:.


Next, create a new file called jquery.form.

min.js in your WordPress plugin folder. In this file, add the following code:.

$(document).ready(function() { $(‘#name’).

val(”); $(‘#email’).val(”); $(‘#shipTo’).val(”); });.

Finally, add the following line to your WordPress plugin’s functions.php file:

add_action(‘WooCommerce_form_submit’, ‘onWooCommerceFormSubmit’);

Now, whenever someone clicks the Submit button on your form, WooCommerce will run the onWooCommerceFormSubmit function. This function will take the values entered in the name, email, and shipTo fields and send them to the URL specified in the form’s action field.