How Do You Find What Template the Page Is Using WordPress?

In order to find out what template WordPress is using on a given page, you can use the wp_reset_postdata function. This function will reset all the post data, including the template used. To use this function, you will need to know the post ID of the page you want to analyze.

To find the post ID, you can use the post_id() function. After you have found the post ID, you can use the wp_reset_postdata function to reset the data for that post to the default template.

Once you have used the wp_reset_postdata function to reset the data for the post, you can use the template_url() function to find out the URL of the template used on that page. The template_url() function will return the URL of the template file that is used on the page.

The template file will be located in the same directory as the WordPress plugin that is used to create the page.