How Do You Do on Page SEO in WordPress?

When it comes to SEO for your WordPress blog, there are a few things you can do to help make sure your site ranks well in search engine results pages (SERPs). Firstly, make sure your site’s title is both keyword rich and on-topic.

Additionally, make sure your site’s meta tags are accurate and helpful. Finally, make sure your site’s content is fresh and engaging, and that it includes relevant keywords.

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) with a large community of users. This makes it an ideal platform for SEO.

However, there are a few things you can do to optimize your WordPress site for better search engine performance.

Firstly, make sure your site’s title is both keyword rich and on-topic. Keyword rich titles are those that include at least two relevant keywords.

By including relevant keywords in your site’s title, you’re giving search engines a better indication of the topic of your site.

Additionally, make sure your site’s meta tags are accurate and helpful. Meta tags are the information that appears in the section of your website’s HTML code.

By including accurate meta tags, you’re letting search engines know the name of your website, the type of site it is, the URL of your site, and the title of your site’s main page.

Finally, make sure your site’s content is fresh and engaging, and that it includes relevant keywords. Your site’s content should be written in an engaging and easy-to-read style, and it should include keywords that are relevant to the topic of your site.

By writing engaging and relevant content, you’re more likely to rank high in search engine results pages.