How Do You Call a Background Image in WordPress?

Background images are a great way to add a bit of personality to your website. They can also be used to create a more flowing look and feel.

There are a few ways to call a background image in WordPress. The most common way is to use the function background_image(). Here are the details:

background_image( $src );

The $src argument is the URL of the image you want to use. You can also use the function to specify an image size.

If you want to use an image that’s not located on your server, you can use the upload function to specify the location and filename of the image.

Here’s an example:

background_image( ‘http://www.example.

com/images/logo.jpg’ );.

The final step is to specify the size of the image. You can use the size argument, or you can use the function to get the size of an image automatically.

The function will return the size in pixels, or in bytes if the image is in an image format other than JPEG.

background_image( ‘http://www.jpg’, 900 );.

In this example, the background_image() function will use the URL http://www.jpg and set the size to 900 pixels.