How Do You Add Zoom to an Image on WordPress?

There are a few ways to add zoom to images on WordPress. The first way is to use the WordPress Media Library. To do this, go to the Media Library page, and under the Images tab, you’ll see a Zoom button. Click the Zoom button to open the Zoom dialog box.

In the Zoom dialog box, you can set the zoom level using the slider. You can also click the plus or minus button to increase or decrease the zoom level, respectively.

The second way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress Media Library functions.

The third way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress Media Library functions and the WordPress media query.

The fourth way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress Media Library functions and the WordPress media query.

The fifth way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress media query.

The sixth way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress media query.

The seventh way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress media query.

The eighth way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress media query.

The ninth way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress media query.

The tenth way to add zoom to images on WordPress is to use the WordPress media query.

The conclusion is that there are a few ways to add zoom to images on WordPress.

Click the Zoom button to open the Zoom dialog box. In the Zoom dialog box, you can set the zoom level using the slider.