How Do You Add Fake Reviews on WordPress?

There are many ways to add fake reviews on WordPress, but the most common way is to use the built-in review plugin. Once you have installed the review plugin, you can create fake reviews by following these steps:

1. Create a new review.

2. Enter a fake rating.

3. Enter a fake review text.

4. Click the “Submit Review” button.

5. Enjoy your fake reviews!

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating fake reviews on WordPress. First, make sure to use good grammar and avoid typos.

Second, make sure to enter accurate ratings and review text. Finally, be sure to submit your reviews to the review plugin before you publish them to make sure they show up on the website.

Overall, adding fake reviews on WordPress is easy and can be a fun way to add some extra legitimacy to your website. Just be sure to keep things accurate and make sure your reviews show up on the website.