How Do You Add an Animated Background to WordPress?

Adding an animated background to your WordPress blog is easy. All you need is a graphics program, such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP, and a few free animated gifs.

To add an animated background to your WordPress blog, start by opening your graphics program and creating a new image. You can use any image you like, but make sure it’s large enough to fit your blog’s background.

Next, copy and paste the animated gifs you want to use onto your graphics program’s clipboard. Make sure the frames of the gifs are all the same size, and place them so they line up evenly across the background of your image.

To add the animated gifs to your blog, open your blog’s theme files and find the background image you created in your graphics program. Paste the gifs into the background image’s CSS property, like this:

background-image: url(gifs/bg-1.gif);

This will load the gifs into your blog’s background as transparent images. If you want to change the size or position of the gifs in the background, you can do so by editing the CSS property.

Finally, save your blog’s theme files and reload it to apply the changes. Your animated background is now ready to use!.