How Do You Add a Hero on WordPress?

Adding a hero on WordPress is a relatively easy process. The first thing you need to do is find an image or a logo that you want to use as your hero image.

After you have found the image, you need to upload it to your WordPress blog using the uploader plugin. Once you have uploaded the image, you need to go to the Appearance > Custom CSS section of your WordPress blog and add the following code to the head of the document:.hero {

background-image: url(/images/hero.jpg);


Now that the image is added to your blog, you need to create a custom header for your hero page. To do this, go to Appearance > Header and add the following code to the header:

My Hero

Finally, you need to create a page for your hero. To do this, go to Pages > Add New Page and enter the following information into the form:

Page Title: My Hero

Page Content: This is my hero page!

Now that your hero page is ready, you need to add a link to it from your main blog page. To do this, go to Pages > Add New Page and enter the following code into the form:

My Hero

Now your hero page is ready to be used!.