How Do WordPress Themes Make Money for Free?

WordPress themes are a great way to add a bit of customization to your blog or website without having to learn coding. Themes can be downloaded for free from the WordPress.

org website, and many are offered for sale as well.

One way that WordPress themes can make money for free is by selling advertising space on their websites. Many WordPress themes include built-in advertising features, and others allow users to purchase ad space on the theme’s website.

Another way that WordPress themes can make money for free is by charging for premium features. Many premium WordPress themes include features that are not available in the free version, such as support for custom backgrounds and CSS styles.

Premium themes can also include features that are available in the paid version, such as unlimited blog posts and pages.

WordPress themes can also make money by charging for access to their source code. Many WordPress themes are open source, meaning that the code for the theme is available for anyone to view and use.

Some WordPress themes are also licensed under the GPL, which allows users to modify and redistribute the code.

Overall, WordPress themes are a great way to add a bit of customization to your blog or website without having to learn coding. However, some WordPress themes may charge for premium features, and some may charge for access to the source code.