How Do I Use the Uber Menu in WordPress?

Uber Menu is a popular WordPress plugin that helps you easily create a menu of links to different sections of your website. Once you have installed the plugin, you can create a new menu by clicking on the “Menu” button on the toolbar and selecting “Uber Menu.”

You’ll then be prompted to enter a name for your menu and to choose a template. The default template includes a set of standard menu items, but you can also create custom menus using the included “Builder” tool.

Once your menu is created, you can add links to it by clicking on the “Add a link” button on the toolbar and filling in the appropriate information. You can also assign a different icon to each menu item, which will help you easily identify them on your website.

To use the Uber Menu on your WordPress site, simply click on the menu item you want to access and you’ll be taken to the corresponding page on your website.