How Do I Use Post Slider in WordPress?

Adding a post slider to your WordPress site is an easy way to give your visitors a quick overview of the most popular posts on your site. All you need to do is add a few lines of code to your header.

php file and you’re ready to go.

To add a post slider to your WordPress site, begin by adding the following line to your header.php file:

Once you’ve added the line, you’ll need to create a post slider. To do this, open up the wp_posts table in your WordPress database and locate the post you want to use as your slider.

In this example, we’ll use the post called “How to Add a Post Slider to Your WordPress Site.”.

To create the slider, begin by copying the following code and pasting it into your header.php file:

tag. In this example, we’ll be using the following code:

Once you’ve located the

tag, you’ll need to paste the code you copied into the
tag. You’ll then need to add the following CSS class to the

Once you’ve added the CSS class, you’ll need to add the following markup to the tag that you copied in the header.php file:

You’re now ready to add the slider to your WordPress site. To do this, simply add the following line of code to your post’s content:
