How Do I Update My WordPress Website Live?

Updating a WordPress website can be done in a number of ways, depending on the type of update you are making. Some updates, such as plugin and theme updates, can be done through the WordPress admin panel.

Other updates, such as security patches, may require that you access the WordPress database through the wp-admin panel and make the update there.

Regardless of how you update a WordPress website, the process is generally relatively straightforward. Before you begin, make sure that you have the latest version of the WordPress software and all of the required updates.

Then, follow the instructions that accompany the update you are making.

Once you have completed the update, be sure to test it by running the WordPress test site. This site simulates a real website and allows you to check for any errors that may have occurred as a result of the update.

Finally, be sure to backup your website before proceeding with any updates.

If you have any questions about updating your WordPress website live, be sure to contact your website administrator or WordPress support.