How Do I Unpublish My WordPress Site Until Ready?

If you have decided that it is time to unpublish your WordPress site, there are a few things that you will need to do in order to make the transition as smooth as possible. First and foremost, you will need to make a backup of your site. This can be done by using a plugin like WPBakery Page Builder Backup or by using a standard WordPress backup plugin. Next, you will need to remove all of the content from your site.

This can be done using the remove_post() function in WordPress or by using a plugin like Unpublish. Finally, you will need to update your site’s DNS records to point to a new hostname. This can be done using a DNS provider like DynDNS or by using the hostname changer plugin in WordPress.

Once you have completed these steps, your site will be unpublishable and you will have a new, blank slate to work with. It is important to note that unpublishing your WordPress site will not delete any posts or pages that are currently published.

You will need to go through the process of deleting posts and pages manually.