How Do I Undelete a WordPress Blog?

Undelete a WordPress Blog

If you have a WordPress blog and you want to undelete it, there are a few things you can do. First, you’ll need to find the .htaccess file.

This file is usually located in the root of your WordPress blog on the server. To undelete your blog, you’ll need to delete the file and then re-upload your blog.

If you’re not sure how to find the .htaccess file, you can also try using a WordPress plugin like W3 Total Cache or WordPress Backup & Restore to help you undelete your blog.

Once you have the .htaccess file, you’ll need to delete the following lines:.

php_value memory_limit = 128M

php_value max_execution_time = 240

Once you have deleted these lines, you’ll need to re-upload your blog and then set your blog up to use the new .