How Do I Turn a WordPress Page Into a Template?

If you want to create a template for use in your WordPress blog, there are a few things you’ll need to do first. First, you’ll need to create a new folder inside your WordPress site’s root directory, and name it “templates.” Once you’ve created the folder, you’ll need to copy your existing WordPress blog content into the new templates folder.

You can do this by either copying the entire contents of your blog’s root directory into the templates folder, or by using the WordPress “clone” function to create a “copy” of your blog that includes all of the content, but leaves the root directory empty. Once you’ve copied your blog’s content into the templates folder, you’ll need to edit the files inside the templates folder to make them into templates.

Once you’ve made the necessary edits to the files inside the templates folder, you’ll need to activate the templates by adding a line of code to your WordPress blog’s header. The line of code you’ll need to add is as follows: