How Do I Trim a Post Title in WordPress?

When you are creating a WordPress post, you will likely want to include a title in the body of the post. However, if your title is too long, it may not fit in the text box.

In this article, we will show you how to trim a post title in WordPress.

To trim a post title in WordPress, first open the post in the editor. Next, locate the title in the text box and press “Enter”. This will take you to the post content area. Next, locate the “Trim” button and click on it.

This will open the Trim Title dialog box. On the Edit Title screen, you will need to specify the length of the title that you want to trim. Next, click on the “Trim” button to trim the title. Finally, click on the “OK” button to save the changes.

When you have trimmed a post title in WordPress, the title will now be shorter and will fit in the text box.