How Do I Transfer a WordPress Site to Another Owner?

If you want to sell your WordPress site, there are a few things you’ll need to do first.

First, make a list of all the files and folders on your site. This includes the theme files, the WordPress files, the media files, and any custom code or plugins you have.

Second, contact the owner of the site that you want to sell to and ask them if they’d be willing to take over your site. Explain that you want to sell your site and ask them if they’re interested.

If the owner of the site is interested, they’ll need to take over your site. They’ll need to copy over the files and folders from your site, and then set up the site the way they want it.

If the owner of the site isn’t interested, you can still sell your site. You’ll just need to find someone who is.

You can either sell your site outright or let them buy a license to use it.