How Do I Square My WordPress Site?

If you have a WordPress site, you will likely have noticed that the site regularly crops off the corners of your pages. This is because WordPress uses a default setting that crops pages to the nearest 1/3rd of an inch.

To square your WordPress site, you will first need to change the WordPress setting to “true”. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s admin area, click on the “Appearance” tab, and then under “General” click on the “Settings” button.

On the “Settings” page that pops up, scroll down until you see the ” cropping” heading. Under “cropping,” click on the “true” radio button to change the setting.

Now that the WordPress setting is set to “true,” your WordPress site will crop pages to the nearest 1/3rd of an inch, which should hopefully fix the problem of pages being cropped off the corners. If you still experience problems with pages being cropped off the corners, you may need to adjust the font size on your WordPress site or use a different WordPress theme.