How Do I Show My WordPress Site to a Client?

As a WordPress developer, you likely know all about the power and flexibility of the platform. And you know how to use it to create a website or blog. But how do you show your WordPress site to a potential client?

There are a few ways. You can show them a live website or blog, or you can send them a pre-made website or blog that you created using WordPress.

You can also show them a WordPress-based social media site or blog.

Whichever way you choose, be sure to explain the benefits of using WordPress and how it can help your website or blog stand out. And be sure to showcase some of your own WordPress-based work.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide how you want to show your WordPress site to a potential client. But whatever you do, be sure to provide them with the best possible information and showcase your expertise in the WordPress platform.