How Do I Show Drop Down Menu in WordPress?

In order to display a drop down menu in WordPress, you will need to create a custom post type. To do this, go to the “Manage Posts” screen, and click on the “Add New” button. In the “Posts Type” field, enter “Dropdown Menu.” You will then need to add a menu item for each menu you want to include in your drop down menu. To add a menu item, go to the “Add New” screen, and enter “Menu Item” in the “Post Type” field. In the “Title” field, enter the name of the menu item you want to include in your drop down menu. In the “Description” field, enter a brief description of the menu item. You will then need to add the menu item to your posts. To do this, go to the “Posts” screen, and select the post you want to include the menu in. Next, click on the “Menu” menu item in the “Posts Menu” section of the post’s sidebar. In the “Menu Item” field, enter the name of the menu item you want to include in your drop down menu.

To do this, go to the “Posts” screen, and select the post you want to include the menu in. Finally, click on the “Save” button. You will then be returned to the “Manage Posts” screen. You will.