How Do I Set Up an Under Construction Page in WordPress?

If you have a WordPress website and you want to create an “under construction” page, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to create a new page in your WordPress site.

Second, you need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress site’s header. Finally, you need to configure the “under construction” page in WordPress.

To create a new page in your WordPress site, go to your site’s main menu and click on “Pages.” On the “Pages” screen, click on the “Add New” button. In the “Page Title” field, type “Under Construction.” In the “Description” field, type a brief description of the page.

In the “Public” field, type “Yes.” Click on the “Create Page” button.

Now, you need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress site’s header. To do this, go to your site’s header and click on the “Add a Title” button. In the “Title” field, type “Under Construction.

” In the “Description” field, type a brief description of the page. Click on the “Create Button” button.

Finally, you need to configure the “under construction” page in WordPress. To do this, go to your site’s “Settings” screen and click on the “Pages” tab. In the “Pages” tab, click on the “Under Construction” page. In the “Settings” screen, click on the “Configure” button. In the “Configure” screen, click on the “General” button. In the “General” screen, click on the “Appearance” button. In the “Appearance” screen, click on the “Text” tab.

In the “Text” tab, click on the “Title” field. In the “Link” field, type the URL of the page. In the “Target” field, type “All Pages.” Click on the “Update” button.

Now, when someone visits your “under construction” page, they’ll see the same information that’s on your main “Pages” screen. Finally, when you’re finished building your “under construction” page, you can delete the “Under Construction” page and the code that was added to your WordPress site’s header.