How Do I See Stats on My WordPress Site?

Stats are a great way to see how your website is performing. You can see which pages are being visited most, how many people are signing up for your email list, and how much money you’re making from ad revenue.

There are a few different ways to see stats on your WordPress site.

The first way to see stats is to use the built-in stats for your WordPress site. To get to these stats, go to your WordPress site’s admin panel and click on “Appearance.

” Under “Stats,” you’ll see a list of all of your stats. To see a specific stat, like “Pageviews,” just click on it.

The second way to see stats is to use a third-party plugin. There are a lot of stats plugins available, but we recommend the WP Stats Pro plugin.

This plugin has a lot of features, like being able to export your stats to a CSV file, and being able to set up custom stats pages.

The third way to see stats is to use a web analytics tool. These tools will give you a more in-depth look at how your website is performing.

Some of the more popular web analytics tools are Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics.

The final way to see stats is to use a web stats tracking service. These services will automatically track your website’s stats for you.

Some of the more popular web stats tracking services are Google Webmaster Tools and StatCounter.