How Do I Save My WordPress Site Locally?

If you have a WordPress website, you’re probably familiar with the fact that it can be saved to your computer’s hard drive in a variety of ways. WordPress itself provides a built-in backup system, as well as the ability to export your site’s content and settings in a variety of formats.

However, if you want to save your site locally, you’ll need to take a couple of different steps.

First, you’ll need to install the WordPress Backup plugin. This plugin will allow you to create backUPS of your entire site, as well as specific posts, pages, and other content areas.

You can also use the plugin to create backUPS of your site’s settings and content files.

Once you’ve installed the plugin, you’ll need to create your first backup. To do this, click the Backup button on the plugin’s main menu, and then enter the path to your site’s main folder (usually located at wp-content/).

You can also optionally specify a time frame for the backup, and the plugin will automatically create a backup every day.

Next, you’ll need to create a backup of your site’s content. To do this, click the Export Posts button on the plugin’s main menu, and then enter the path to a folder on your computer where you want to save your posts.

You can also optionally specify a time frame for the export, and the plugin will create a backup every day.

Finally, you’ll need to create a backup of your site’s settings. To do this, click the Export Settings button on the plugin’s main menu, and then enter the path to a folder on your computer where you want to save your settings.

Once you’ve created all of your backUPS, you can use them to restore your site if something goes wrong. Simply click the Restore Posts button on the plugin’s main menu, and then enter the path to the post backup that you want to use.

You can also optionally choose to restore only the latest backup, or all of the backUPS that you’ve created.

Overall, WordPress provides a variety of ways to save your site locally, and it’s easy to get started. Simply install the WordPress Backup plugin, create your first backup, and then use the restore buttons on the plugin’s main menu to restore your site if something goes wrong.