How Do I Run a WordPress Site on Localhost?

If you want to run a WordPress site on localhost, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, create a directory for your WordPress site on your computer.

Next, create a file called wp-config.php in that directory and add the following lines to it:.

define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘./’); define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘http://localhost’);

Finally, create a file called index.php in that directory and add the following lines to it:

require_once WP_HOME.’/wp-config.

php'; require_once WP_SITEURL.’/index.php';.

That’s all you need to do to set up your local WordPress site! To start it up, just run the following command in your terminal:

php index.php

If everything goes well, you’ll see your WordPress site running on localhost. If not, there may be something wrong with your configuration.

If that’s the case, please consult the WordPress documentation or one of the many online tutorials on how to set up and run a WordPress site.

Finally, if you want to keep your site up and running even if you lose your internet connection, you can use a plugin like WordPress Live Server to keep your site online.