How Do I Remove the Border Around an Image in WordPress?

There are a few ways to remove the border around images in WordPress. The easiest way is to use the WordPress media manager. To do this, go to the Media Manager screen in your WordPress admin area, and select the image you want to change the border around. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see a button that says “Border.

” Click on this button and a window will open that lets you customize the border around the image. To remove the border, click on the “Remove Border” button.

If you don’t want to use the media manager, you can also remove the border using the wp_get_image_border function. This function takes two parameters: the image ID and the border width. To remove the border around an image, you’ll first need to get the image ID.

You can do this by using the get_post_meta function and passing in the post ID as the second parameter. Then, you can use the wp_get_image_border function to remove the border around the image.