How Do I Remove the Author From a WordPress Page?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows users to create a website or blog from scratch, or to improve an existing website. When a user creates a WordPress page, the WordPress software assigns the page’s author as the account that created the page.

If you no longer want to be the author of a WordPress page, there are a few steps you can take to remove yourself from the page.

To remove yourself from a WordPress page, first log in to your WordPress account and go to the Pages section of your website. You’ll see a list of all the pages on your website, and below each page you’ll see the author information. To remove yourself from a WordPress page, click on the author’s name and then click on the Edit button. In the Edit page, you’ll see a few options for removing yourself from the page.

The first option is to remove yourself from the blogroll, which is a list of all the WordPress blogs that the author is a part of. The second option is to remove yourself from the comments section of the page. The third option is to remove yourself from the author profile page, which is a page that lists all the author’s information, such as their biography and blog links. If you want to permanently remove yourself from a WordPress page, you can click on the Remove from Website button and then confirm your removal.