How Do I Remove Slug From WordPress Home Page?

WordPress installs with a default home page that includes a large widgetized area in the center for widgets, and a large text area in the bottom for posts and pages. If you want to remove slug from your WordPress home page, you can use one of several methods.

The easiest way to remove slug from your WordPress home page is to use the customizer to change the home page template. To do this, open the customizer by clicking on the gear icon in the top left corner of your WordPress admin area, and then selecting Customize.

On the home page template screen, select the Page option from the left column, and then click on the Edit link in the Slug section of the right column. In the Slug edit screen, enter the slug that you want to use for your home page in the text field, and then click on the Save button.

If you don’t want to use the customizer to change your home page template, you can also remove slug from your home page by editing the wp-config.php file.

To do this, open the wp-config.php file in a text editor, and add the following line to the bottom of the file:define(‘SLUG’, ”);.

You can also remove slug from your home page by using a WordPress plugin. The two most popular plugins that are designed to remove slug from your home page are Slugger and Home Page Slugger.

Both of these plugins offer a variety of features, including the ability to remove slug from all posts and pages, to create custom slugs, and to schedule the removal of slugs.

If you want to remove slug from only a certain number of posts or pages, you can use the Slugger plugin to selectively remove slug from those posts or pages. You can also use the Home Page Slugger plugin to create a custom slug for your home page, and then use the plugin’s scheduling features to automatically remove the slug from all posts and pages that have the custom slug assigned to them.

Overall, there are several methods that you can use to remove slug from your WordPress home page. If you don’t want slug on your home page, you can use the customizer to change the home page template, edit the wp-config.

php file, or use a WordPress plugin.