How Do I Remove Pagination From a Category Page in WordPress?

Pagination is a feature that WordPress provides to help you manage your content. Pagination allows you to display a subset of your content in a scrollable list.

You can use pagination to help you manage your content, to help your users find the content they are looking for, and to help you keep your site organized.

To use pagination in WordPress, you first need to enable pagination. To do this, go to the Administration Area > Settings > Pagination and enable the Pagination option.

Once you enable pagination, you will need to set up a pagination scheme. To do this, go to the Administration Area > Posts > Pagination and select the scheme you want to use.

Once you have set up your pagination scheme, you can use the pagination features in WordPress to manage your content. To use pagination, first create a page in your WordPress site. Then, go to the Posts tab and click the Add New Post button.

In the Add Post dialog box, enter the post ID and title of the post you want to paginate. Then, click the Paginate link next to the Posts list.

WordPress will display the post in a paginated list. You can use the arrows on the right side of the post to scroll through the list of posts.

You can also use the buttons on the left side of the list to change the number of posts displayed on the page, to change the order of the posts, or to hide the posts.

When you are finished paginating the posts, click the Publish button to publish the post.

You can also use pagination to help your users find the content they are looking for. To do this, first create a page in your WordPress site. Then, go to the Pages tab and click the Add New Page button.

In the Add Page dialog box, enter the page name and title of the page you want to paginate. Then, click the Paginate link next to the Pages list.

WordPress will display the page in a paginated list. You can use the arrows on the right side of the page to scroll through the list of pages.

You can also use the buttons on the left side of the page to change the number of pages displayed on the page, to change the order of the pages, or to hide the pages.

When you are finished paginating the pages, click the Publish button to publish the page.

You can also use pagination to help you keep your site organized. To do this, first create a category in your WordPress site. Then, go to the Categories tab and click the Add New Category button.

In the Add New Category dialog box, enter the category name and title of the category you want to paginate. Then, click the Paginate link next to the Categories list.

WordPress will display the category in a paginated list. You can use the arrows on the right side of the category to scroll through the list of categories.

You can also use the buttons on the left side of the category to change the number of categories displayed on the page, to change the order of the categories, or to hide the categories.

When you are finished paginating the categories, click the Publish button to publish the category.


When you are finished paginating the posts, click the Publish.