How Do I Remove All WordPress Themes?

WordPress themes are a great way to personalize your website and make it look different from everyone else’s. However, they can also be a pain to remove.

In this article, we will show you how to remove all WordPress themes from your website.

To start, you’ll need to access your website’s configuration files. This can be done by going to your website’s main folder (usually located at wp-content), and then clicking on the Configuration Files link.

Once you’re there, you’ll need to open the wp-config.php file.

Next, you’ll need to find the line that says “themes.” It will look something like this:

‘mythemes’ => array(

‘name’ => ‘MyTheme’,


You’ll need to remove the ‘name’ value from this line. After you’ve done that, you’ll need to save the file.

Now, you’ll need to remove all the themes from your website. To do this, you’ll first need to find the directory that holds the themes.

This can be done by going to your website’s main folder (usually located at wp-content), and then clicking on the Themes link.

Once you’re there, you’ll need to open the themes folder. inside of this folder, you’ll find a folder for each theme that you have installed on your website.

Next, you’ll need to delete all the files inside of this folder. To do this, you can use the file deletion tool that is included with WordPress.

Alternatively, you can use the command line. To do this, you’ll need to open a command prompt window, and then type the following command:.

wp themes delete

After you’ve done this, you’ll need to reload your website to see the changes.