How Do I Remove a Drop-Down Menu in WordPress?

There are many ways to remove a drop-down menu from WordPress, depending on the level of difficulty you are willing to undertake.

Option 1: Use the API

The first option is to use the WordPress API. To do this, you will need to create a new function in your theme or plugin and call it remove_menu(). This function will need the following parameters:

The name of the menu to be removed

The position of the menu (where it should be placed on the page)

The $ WP_Menu object

object The $ MenuID object

object The $ menu_items object

object The $ menu_item_object array

array The $ item_ids object

object The $ item_data object

object The $ item_name object

object The $ item_description object

object The $ item_tags object

object The $ item_type object

object The $ item_published object

object The $ item_parent object

object The $ item_rating object

object The $ item_author object

object The $ item_modified object

The function will then need the following variable:


Once you have created this function, you can use it to remove any drop-down menu from your website by calling it like this:

remove_menu(‘my_menu_name’, ‘top’, ‘my_menu_position’);

Option 2: Use the Theme Functions File

The second option is to use the theme functions file. To do this, you will need to locate the theme functions file in your WordPress installation and open it.

Then, you will need to locate the remove_menu() function and add it to your theme or plugin. The function will need the following parameters:.

Once you have added this function to your theme or plugin, you can use it to remove any drop-down menu from your website by calling it like this:

remove_menu( ‘my_menu_name’, ‘top’, ‘my_menu_position’);.