How Do I Post From WordPress to LinkedIn?

When you want to post content from your WordPress blog to LinkedIn, the best way to go about it is to use a LinkedIn Publishing tool. There are a number of these tools available, and the one you use will depend on your blog’s technical capabilities.

Once you have selected a LinkedIn Publishing tool and entered your blog’s URL, you will be asked to set up your account with LinkedIn. Once your account is set up, you will be able to add your posts to LinkedIn.

Once your posts are added, you will need to set up a publishing schedule. You can choose to have your posts published automatically once they are ready, or you can choose to have your posts published on a specific day or at a specific time.

Once your posts are published, you will need to populate your profile with the same information you would use on LinkedIn. This includes your name, company name, website, and contact information.

You will also need to add a link to your blog post.

Overall, posting to LinkedIn from your WordPress blog is a relatively easy process. However, it is important to remember to set up a publishing schedule and to populate your profile with the same information you would use on LinkedIn.