How Do I Move My WordPress Site From Localhost to Server?

Moving your WordPress site from localhost to a server can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

1. Decide what you want to achieve

Your first step should be deciding what you want to achieve. Do you want to move your site for security reasons, or do you want to improve SEO? Once you have your goal in mind, you can start to plan the move.

2. Determine your server requirements

Your server requirements will vary depending on the size of your site and the type of site you are moving to. However, most WordPress sites require a secure server with at least 1 GB of memory and 50 GB of storage space.

3. Set up a staging environment

Before you move your site live, you should create a staging environment. This environment will allow you to test your site before you move it to the live server.

The staging environment should have the same features and settings as the live server, but it will be less active.

4. Install WP Migration

WP Migration is a plugin that helps you move your WordPress site to a new server. WP Migration is available as a free and premium version.

5. Backup your site

Before you move your site, you should backup your site. This will help you if something goes wrong during the migration process.

6. Transfer your content

Once you have your backup, you can start to transfer your content. This process can be time-consuming, so be sure to have plenty of patience.

7. Install WP Migrate

Once you have transferred all of your content, you can install WP Migrate. WP Migrate will help you move your site to the new server.

8. Finalize the migration

Once WP Migrate has been installed, you can finalize the migration. This process will take a few hours, and it will require you to be logged in to your site.

9. Check your site

Once the migration has been finalized, you should check your site to make sure it is working properly. If there are any issues, you can fix them before you go live.

10. Go live

Finally, you can go live with your new site. Make sure you are prepared for any issues that may occur, and congratulations on your successful migration!.