How Do I Move My WordPress Blog to WordPress Org?

If you’re looking to move your WordPress blog to a more official WordPress host, there are a few different steps you can take.

First, you’ll need to create a new WordPress blog on the official host. This can be done by following these steps:

Create a new blog on

Enter your site’s domain name in the “blog address” field.

Enter the blog’s title in the “blog name” field.

Click the “create” button.

Next, you’ll need to migrate your WordPress blog’s content and settings to the new host. To do this, follow these steps:

Copy your blog’s content and settings to a new, empty blog post on your new blog.

Delete the old blog post on your old WordPress.

Update the blog post’s title and content to match the name and content of the old blog post, if necessary.

Link to the new blog post from your old WordPress.


Moving your WordPress blog to a more official WordPress host can be a great way to improve your site’s security and SEO. By following these steps, you can easily migrate your blog’s content and settings to the new host.