How Do I Move a Post in WordPress?

Moving a post in WordPress is a fairly straightforward process, assuming you know where to look. To move a post:
The first step is to locate the post you want to move.

In the Posts section of your WordPress site, click on the post you want to move.

On the post’s edit screen, click on the Move button (it’s the green arrow next to the Publish button).

On the Move Post screen, you’ll need to provide some information about the post you’re moving. The most important information is the post’s title.

You can also provide a brief explanation of why you’re moving the post.

Once you’ve provided the information, click on the Move button. WordPress will move the post and update the post’s title and content.

If you want to keep the old post’s title and content, you can select those options on the Move Post screen. Otherwise, WordPress will create a new post with the new title and content.

Once you’ve moved the post, you’ll need to update the post’s content on the site. To do that, click on the post’s title in the Posts section of your WordPress site, and then click on the Edit button.

On the post’s Edit screen, you’ll see the Move button (it’s the green arrow next to the Publish button). Click on the Move button to update the post’s content with the new title and content.