How Do I Manually Install WordPress on Hosting?

If you’re looking to manually install WordPress on your hosting account, there are a few different methods you can use. The first is to download the WordPress installer and install it yourself. This will require access to your hosting account’s root directory, so make sure you have permission to do so before proceeding. The second option is to use a hosting provider’s installer. These usually come with a plugin that will do the installation for you, but be sure to check the terms of service first to make sure you’re allowed to use it. The final option is to use a WordPress pre-installed plugin.

These plugins are generally tested and optimized for hosting use, so they’ll install and configure WordPress for you with less effort. The most popular plugin of this type is WP Super Cache, and it’s available as a free and premium plugin. Once you’ve selected a method, be sure to follow the installation instructions carefully. If you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to the plugin’s creator for help. Finally, be sure to activate your WordPress installation and configure it to your liking. This will ensure that your site is ready to go when visitors arrive.