How Do I Make WordPress Offline?

Making WordPress offline is a great way to improve load times, increase security, and decrease bandwidth usage. The first step is to install the wp- offline plugin.

Once it’s installed, you need to activate it. To do so, go to Settings > Offline & security > Offline:.

Click the Activate button and WordPress will start checking for updates. Once it’s updated, you’ll need to restart your WordPress site.

Now that WordPress is offline, you need to configure it. Go to Settings > Offline & security > Plugins and activate the wp- offline plugin. Next, go to Settings > WordPress > Cache:

Ensure that the Cache Mode is set to Local and click the Options button:

In the Options panel, you’ll need to set the Directory and File URLs. The Directory URL is the location where WordPress will store the cached files. The File URL is the URL where WordPress will store the files. For example, if your WordPress site is hosted at, the Directory URL would be www. and the File URL would be

Finally, you need to configure the wp- offline plugin. Go to Settings > Offline & security > wp- offline:

In the wp- offline plugin settings, you’ll need to set the Enable Offline Mode checkbox to True. You’ll also need to set the File URL and Directory URL. The File URL is the URL where WordPress will store the cached files.

com, the File URL would be and the Directory URL would be

Now that WordPress is offline, you can start enjoying increased load times, increased security, and decreased bandwidth usage.